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Glider Service Level Agreements

Last updated May 2024

We operate a full service help desk from our Australian HQ in Sydney. All faults should be logged via email to support@gliderpay.com 
An engineer will be assigned to diagnose and manage the repair process, end to end.

Faults will be categorised as per the SLA into 4  priority categories:

  • P1: Urgent
  • P2: High
  • P3: Medium
  • P4: Low

We will keep the nominated client escalation contacts up to date with progress. Where incidents are at risk of missing the SLA, the incident will be escalated through our escalation chain. 

Service Level Guarantees

> 99.5% Availability Guarantee
> 3rd Party Monitoring & Online Reporting of Uptime of Key Platforms


Target initial

Target resolution time

Update frequency

P1: Urgent

Within 30 min

4 hours, Continuous effort after initial response and with Client Co-operation

Hourly basis

P2: High

Within 1 hr

Within 8 Hours after initial response

Every 4 hours

P3: Medium

Within 12 hrs

Within 12 hours

Every 24 hours

P4: Low

Within 24 hrs

Within 24 Business Hours after initial response

Every 24 hours