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Glider Online Terms of Use

Effective: 01 January 2024

Important information
Please read these terms of use (Terms of Use) carefully. It contains very important information about your rights and obligations, as well as limitations and exclusions with respect to your use of the Services. 

If you have a separate written agreement with Glider for your use of the Services, these Glider Terms of Use will not apply to you, unless that written agreement does not cover a particular Service, in which case, these Glider Terms of Use apply solely to your use of that particular Service.

1.    Parties
This agreement is between Glider Pay Pty Limited (ACN 654 579 325) of level 1, 34 Burton Street, Kirribilli NSW 2061 (Glider, us, we or our) and the entity specified in the Key Details (you or your). 

2.    Agreement 
2.1    The agreement consists of:
(a)    the Key Details and the Agreed Terms that apply to all Platforms, Solutions and any applicable Services;
(b)    Schedule 1 that will set out the Platform, Solutions, any applicable Services and the corresponding Fees agreed to be purchased by you and provided by us under this agreement; and
(c)    any additional schedules setting out Platform Terms and/or Solution Terms that apply to any Platforms and/or Solutions you purchase and access under this agreement,
(together, the agreement).

3.    Term and automatic renewal
3.1    This agreement will commence on the Start Date and will continue for the Initial Term. At the end of the Initial Term the agreement will automatically renew for successive periods equivalent to the Initial Term (each a Further Term) unless:
(a)    you notify us of your intention not to renew the agreement no less than 30 days prior to the end of the applicable Further Term; or 
(b)    the agreement is otherwise terminated pursuant to the terms of this agreement,
(together, the Initial Term and each Further Term are referred to as the Term).

4.    Our provision of Platform, Solution, and Services
4.1    We will:
(a)    make the applicable Platform and/or Solutions available to you for the Term; 
(b)    use reasonable commercial efforts to complete any applicable Services within any estimated time frame, however completion of any Services may depend on you providing us with information or completing required tasks in accordance with clause 7.2 or as otherwise set out in Schedule 1; 
(c)    perform any applicable Services with due care, competence and diligence; and
(d)    ensure that we:
(i)    have the requisite skills, experience, qualifications and licenses to provide the Platform, Solutions, and Services; 
(ii)    comply with all relevant laws connected with the delivery of the Platform, Solution, and performance of any applicable Services; and
(iii)    do not make or cause or permit to be made or to occur any false, misleading or deceptive representations, statements or conduct for or in relation to the Platform, Solution, and/or Services. 
4.2    The Platform and the Solutions are supported by us in accordance with our Service Level Agreement, which is incorporated by reference into this agreement. Availability of the Platform and Solutions is subject to any additional provisions in the Platform Terms and/or Solution Terms, including in respect of updates and maintenance. Such terms take precedence over the Service Level Agreement.  

5.    Variations 
5.1    Either party may propose a change to the agreement, including  to any of the Services and/or to add a new platform and/or solution (Change) by submitting a notice to the other party describing the proposed Change in enough detail to enable initial consideration of the impact of that Change (Change Notice). A Change Notice must state that it is a Change Notice under this clause.
5.2    A Change will be a Material Change if it will or is likely to have a material impact on:
(a)    the provision or receipt of the Services and/or a new platform or solution;
(b)    either party’s reasonable commercial expectations under the agreement; or
(c)    the costs or expenses incurred by either party under or in connection with the agreement.
5.3    A Change that is not a Material Change will be a Minor Change and a Minor Change will take effect when agreed in writing between authorised representatives of the parties. 
5.4    If the Change is a Material Change then, we will provide a proposal to you (Change Proposal) that may set out:
(a)    details of the activities required to implement the proposed Change including any specifications, special conditions and any amendments to the agreement required as a result of the proposed Change, including additional terms required to be incorporated governing the use of the new platform and/or solution; 
(b)    revised deliverables and timeframes;
(c)    a statement of the estimated cost of implementing the Change and any variations to the fees; and
(d)    the impact, if any, of the Change on the charges and our ability to achieve any service levels.
5.5    Each Change Proposal issued by us will be valid for no more than 30 days from the date it is provided to you, unless otherwise set out in the Change Proposal.
5.6    The relevant Material Change will take effect when you notify us that you accept the Change Proposal and the parties enter a variation to this agreement incorporating the relevant Change.
5.7    Each party will prepare and review Change Notices and Change Proposals, at its own cost and expense.

6.    Warranties
6.1    The warranties in this clause are in addition to, and do not limit, any warranties set out in the Platform Terms and/or Solution Terms.
6.2    Each party represents and warrants to the other that, to the best of its knowledge, each of the following statements is true, accurate and not misleading as at the date of this agreement and will be true and accurate on each day during the Term:
(a)    it has the corporate power to enter into and perform its obligations under this agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated by this agreement; and
(b)    there are no pre-existing rights or obligations which would prevent it from complying with its obligations under this agreement.

7.    Your obligations
7.1    You must comply with all Applicable Laws, this agreement and our reasonable directions. 
7.2    On our request, you must promptly provide us with (as reasonably requested by us): 
(a)    decisions; and
(b)    relevant information, including Client Content,
to ensure we are able to deliver the Services and/or make the Platform and/or Solutions available to you.
7.3    You acknowledge we are entitled to rely on the accuracy of that information without independently verifying it, whether the information is provided by you, your Contact, or your advisers.
7.4    You represent and warrant that all Client Content: 
(a)    is accurate, complete and current;
(b)    does not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights or other rights of any person; and
(c)    is not unlawful, fraudulent or defamatory in itself or in respect of its intended use.
7.5    We will not be responsible for any:
(d)    loss, deficiency or delays in the performance of the Services caused by you, third parties engaged by you or the Customer; and 
(e)    deficiency or delays in the performance of the Services; or 
(f)    defects or issues with the Platform and/or Solutions,
to the extent that it is attributable to your delay or breach of this agreement.

8.    Restraint
8.1    During the Restraint Period: 
(a)    you will not solicit, engage or employ, either directly or indirectly, any person who is employed or contracted by us in connection with the Services; and
(b)    if you employ or engage a person employed or contracted by us, without written consent, you must pay on demand an amount equivalent to 80% of that person’s net salary in the previous calendar year (consisting of recruitment costs and other ongoing costs to the business).

9.    Fees and payment 
9.1    We will invoice you in accordance with the Invoicing Terms for the corresponding Fees.
9.2    You must pay the Fees within 14 days of the date of the invoice.
9.3    If you wish to raise a genuine dispute about an invoice, you must notify us of the dispute before the due date and pay the undisputed portion by the due date.  
9.4    If you fail to pay an undisputed invoice by the due date, we reserve the right to charge interest on overdue amounts at the rate of 10% per annum and/or suspend the Services and/or your access to the Platform and/or Solution until all overdue amounts are paid. 
9.5    If you fail to pay an undisputed invoice within 2 days of an overdue notice from us, we may immediately terminate the agreement on notice to you.
9.6    All amounts payable under this agreement are exclusive of GST.  If GST is payable in relation to a Taxable Supply, the amount payable for that Taxable Supply is the amount for that Taxable Supply specified in this agreement plus GST.  
9.7    We are entitled to set-off against, or deduct from any payment to you under this agreement, any amount which you may be liable to pay to us under this agreement.
9.8    The Fees may be increased each Further Term by a percentage equal to the percentage increase in CPI for the same period, and the increase will take effect from the start of the applicable Further Term. We will advise you at least 30 days before the start of a Further Term if this clause applies.

10.    Intellectual property 
10.1    The ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights in any pre-existing materials as at the Start Date (Pre-existing IP) will not be altered, transferred or assigned. 
10.2    You grant to us a non-exclusive and royalty-free licence to use and reproduce the Client Content for the purpose of performing our obligations under this agreement, including the right to authorise third parties to do the same.  
10.3    You consent to us: 
(a)    naming you as a client and reproducing your business name and logos for marketing and publicity purposes; and
(b)    using the Contract Materials for internal training and our marketing and publicity purposes, provided such material does not contain any commercially sensitive information or Confidential Information.
10.4    During the Term, we grant to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use and reproduce our Pre-Existing IP and the Contract Materials in order to obtain the benefit of the Services and/or for your use Platform and/or Solutions in accordance with this agreement.

11.    Exclusion of liability
11.1    Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement and to the fullest extent permitted by law: 
(a)    our aggregate liability in connection with this agreement whether in contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise will not exceed an amount equal to the fees paid by you to us in the last 6 months; 
(b)    neither party is liable, whether such liability is based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), statute or otherwise for any Consequential Loss, indirect, incidental, punitive or special Losses of any kind (including loss of profit, loss of opportunities or business interruption); and
(c)    we are not responsible for any failure, deficiency and/or delay in our provision of the Services. Platform and/or Solution to the extent attributable to any External Services including Amazon Web Services.
11.2    Subject to any express warranties in this agreement but otherwise to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Services, the Platform and/or Solutions are (except as expressly stated by us) provided “as is” and “as available” for your use without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, we expressly exclude all warranties, conditions and representations in whatever form, relating to the Services, the Platform and/or Solutions, including any warranties or representations:
(a)    that the Services, the Platform and/or the Solutions will be free from any fault, error, or defects in design or engineering;
(b)    regarding the accuracy or reliability of any information provided; 
(c)    relating to performance, quality, merchantability or fitness for a particular use, including that the same have been prepared to the Client’s specific objectives, financial situation or needs.
11.3    If any supply by us pursuant to this agreement comprises a supply to a ‘consumer’ as defined in the Australian Consumer Law, then nothing contained in this agreement restricts or modifies guarantee, right or remedy which pursuant to the Australian Consumer Law applies to this agreement or is conferred on you, provided that to the extent that the Australian Consumer Law permits the use to limit our liability for breach of guarantee imposed by the Australian Consumer Law, then to the extent permitted by the Australian Consumer Law, our liability for such breach is limited to, in the case of services, any cost of the following as determined by us:
(a)    the supplying of the services again; or
(b)    the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

12.    Indemnity
12.1    The indemnities in this clause are in addition to, and do not limit, any indemnities set out in the Platform Terms and/or Solution Terms.
12.2    You indemnify us against any Losses arising out of or in connection with:
(a)    representations, assertions or claims made by us regarding your products or services, or the products or services of a competitor if the assertions are based on Client Content;
(b)    any claim by a third party that our use of the Client Content infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party; 
(c)    any act or thing done on your instructions; and/or
(d)    your breach of any Applicable Laws.
12.3    We indemnify you against any Losses arising out of or in connection with our 
(a)    negligent acts or omissions,
(b)    fraudulent acts or omissions and/or 
(c)    breach of any Applicable Laws.

13.    Privacy and data
13.1    Each party must:
(a)    comply with applicable Privacy Laws in connection with the collection, use, handling, disclosure, quality, security of and access to Personal Information under this agreement; and 
(b)    provide any assistance reasonably requested by the other party in order for the other Party to comply with applicable Privacy Laws or to respond to requests from individuals wishing to exercise any rights they have in relation to their Personal Information or to resolve any privacy-related complaints.
13.2    Your use of the Platform, Services, and/or Solution may involve our collection of certain Personal Information, including as such is contained in any Customer Data. Our Privacy Policy, which sets out how we collect, use, store, and disclose Personal Information, is incorporated into this agreement by reference.
13.3    It is your responsibility to ensure that you seek and obtain all necessary consents from, and make all necessary disclosures to, your Customers in respect of their Personal Information, including as contained in any Customer Data, to enable disclosure of such information to us for the purpose of the provision of the Platform, Services and Solutions to the extent such disclosure is permitted by any applicable laws and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
13.4    In addition to any disclosures set out in our Privacy Policy, your data and the data of your Customers (which includes mobile numbers, email addresses, PayIDs, bank account numbers and BSB numbers) (Customer Data) is transmitted to, and stored, by third-party payment gateway services providers (Payment Gateways) and payment processors (Payment Processors) to enable processing of the relevant payment. 
13.5    Where we use your Customers’ online financial transactions data, this will only be used to provide the Platform, Services and/or Solutions. 
13.6    You acknowledge and agree we may: 
(a)    collect aggregated information about how you use the Platform, Solution, and Services;
(b)    collect and store Customer Data, including to identify trends and insights around payments behaviour; and
(c)    automatically store in log files, including IP addresses, browser type and language, Internet service provider (ISP), referring and exit websites and applications, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data to analyse trends, to administer the Platform, to generally improve the Platform and for marketing.

14.    External Services and third party products
14.1    We enable access to third-party products, applications and services through our Platform, Solution, Services including access to Payment Gateways and Payment Processors and the NPP, and we may integrate with, and/or use solutions provided by, third parties (together, External Services) when making the Platform, Service, and/or Solutions available to you.  
14.2    In order to acquire or utilise External Services (Engagement), you may be required to enter into an agreement with the applicable External Service provider and/or we may be required to pass through certain terms and conditions of an External Services Provider to you (each, an External Services Agreement).  We may not be able to supply you with the Platform, Services and/or Solution if you fail to enter, or accept, the applicable External Services Agreement. 
14.3    Each Engagement may involve the transfer of Customer Data to the External Service.  By you electing to proceed with any Engagement you consent to the transfer of your Customer Data.
14.4    If you use External Services, you agree to the following.
(a)    You must comply with the terms of the External Services Agreement. 
(b)    Our mention of External Services in any materials, documentation or advertising provided to you is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. All External Services are supplied by the respective vendor and we have no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of these vendors or their products.
(c)    We are not responsible for examining or evaluating the content of any third party External Services.
(d)    We do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of third party External Services, and will not be liable for any third party External Services.
(e)    Charges may apply to your use of the External Services and we assume no responsibility for the transaction of funds or the actions or identity of any transfer recipient or sender nor do we have an obligation to provide a refund or repayment for whatever reason of any amounts paid by you to any other third party for External Services.
(f)    We may suspend, remove, disable or impose access restrictions or limits on any External Services, at any time without notice or liability to you. 
(g)    We are not liable for any loss, deficiency and/or delay that is caused to the Platform, Services and/or Solutions by the use of External Services.

15.    Confidential Information
15.1    Each party must keep all Confidential Information confidential and use such information for the sole purpose of performing the obligations under this agreement.
15.2    Neither party may use or disclose the Confidential Information except:
(a)    to that party’s employees or advisers on a need-to-know basis and that party must ensure that such persons understand and comply with the obligations imposed by this agreement;
(b)    as required by law, subject to that party notifying the other party immediately if that party becomes aware that such disclosure may be required; 
(c)    with the other party’s prior written consent; or
(d)    in our case, third party providers (including External Services providers).

16.    Insurance
We will effect and maintain insurance in an amount sufficient to cover our potential liability under this agreement for the Term and we will provide you with a certificate of currency on your request.

17.    Termination
17.1    Either party may terminate this agreement on written notice if the other party: 
(a)    fails to remedy a breach within 21 days’ notice from the other party requesting the breach be remedied; 
(b)    breaches this agreement and that breach is not capable of remedy; or 
(c)    becomes insolvent or enters into liquidation.
17.2    In addition to the above, we may terminate this agreement immediately on written notice to you:
(a)    if we are directed to do so by an External Services provider and/or otherwise have an obligation to do so under any contract with have in place with such providers;
(b)    our relationship with an External Services provider that provides software, hosting services or other technology, products or services relied on by us to provide the Platform, Services, and/or Solutions expires or terminates or such provider requires us to change the way we provide the Platform, Services, and/or Solutions; or
(c)    where we are required to do so under any Applicable Laws and/or by any Regulatory Authority. 
17.3    Upon the expiry or termination of this agreement, the following will apply. 
(a)    Each party must, on request, return or securely destroy all Confidential Information in that party’s control. 
(b)    Subject to the remainder of this clause and to Applicable Laws and Industry Codes, you will have a period of 10 days from the date of termination to retrieve a copy of any Customer Data in our possession and control and we will provide you with reasonable assistance to do so. 
(c)    You must cease using the Services, Platform and/or Solutions and your access to your Glider Accounts and Glider API will cease. 
(d)    You must pay all outstanding Fees to us within 14 days, 
(e)    Unless you have terminated this agreement as a result of a breach by us or our insolvency, you must pay us: 
(i)    all reasonable costs incurred by us as a result of the termination (including third party cancellation fees and administrative costs); and 
(ii)    all fees that would otherwise have been payable to us for the full length of the term.

18.    Force Majeure
18.1    A party is not in breach of this agreement or otherwise liable to the other party for any delay in performance or non-performance of any obligation under this agreement if the delay or non-performance is due to a Force Majeure Event. 
18.2    If a Force Majeure Event occurs, the affected party must notify the other party and the affected obligations of the party will be suspended to the extent that they are affected by the relevant Force Majeure Event until that Force Majeure Event has ceased, subject to the affected party carrying out its obligations in the agreement in any other way that is reasonably practical. 
18.3    If a Force Majeure Event continues for more than 60 days, either party may terminate this agreement.
18.4    This clause does not affect your obligation to pay Fees in connection with this agreement.

19.    General 
19.1    A notice, consent or other communication under this agreement is only effective if it is in writing, signed by or on behalf of the party giving it and it is received in full and legible form at the addressee’s address or email address.  
19.2    A copy of any notice, consent or other communication under this agreement sent in accordance with clause 19.1 must also be sent to the addressee’s email address.
19.3    Nothing in this agreement will be taken as giving rise to a relationship of employment, agency, partnership or joint venture. Except as otherwise provided in this agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree that neither party will have any authority to bind the other party or to enter into an agreement in the name of the other party.  
19.4    We may subcontract the performance of any part of our obligations under this agreement, including the Services, to any third party.  
19.5    This agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter of the agreement and supersedes all prior communications. 
19.6    The failure of either party to enforce any provisions under this agreement will not waive the right of such party thereafter to enforce any such provisions.  
19.7    If any term or provision of this agreement is held by a court to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under the applicable law, that term or provision will be severed from this agreement and the remaining terms and conditions will be unaffected. 
19.8    This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and all counterparts taken together will constitute one document.
19.9    This agreement is governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of New South Wales, Australia. The parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.
19.10    Neither party may assign, transfer or otherwise deal with this agreement or any right under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party, which must not be unreasonably withheld.  
19.11    Any warranty, indemnity, or obligation of confidentiality in this agreement will survive termination.  Any other term which by its nature is intended to survive termination of this agreement survives termination of this agreement.

20.    Definitions and interpretation
20.1    In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, terms have the meaning to them given throughout the agreement and as follows.
Agreed Terms mean clauses 1 through to 20.
Applicable Laws  means any statute, ordinance, order, rule, code, guideline, circular, rule or regulation of any jurisdiction applicable to a party.
Change has the meaning given to that term in clause 5.1.
Change Notice has the meaning given to that term in clause 5.1.
Change Proposal has the meaning given to that term in clause 5.4.
Client Content means all content provided by you to us, including words, images, logos, information, documents and materials. 
Client Systems means the Client’s software, systems, and/or communication links used in connection with the Platform (including the Glider API), and/or the Solutions.
Confidential Information means confidential, proprietary and commercially-sensitive information (irrespective of the form or the manner in which the information is disclosed, or the time of such disclosure) including information which: 
(a)    is identified as confidential or ought to have been known to be confidential; and
(b)    relates to the business affairs and practices, including financial information, business opportunities, business plans, business processes and methodologies,
but does not include information which is in, or comes into, the public domain other than by a breach of this agreement, or which is independently known to the other party as evidenced by its written record.
Consequential Loss means any Loss that does not arise naturally in the ordinary course of things from the event or circumstance giving rise to the Loss. 
Contact means each party’s key business contact as set out in the Key Details.
Contract Materials means the deliverables, documentation, items or things created by us for you in accordance with this agreement, including Documentation.  
CPI means:
(d)    the All Groups Consumer Price Index number, weighted average of eight Australian capital cities, published from time to time by the Australian Bureau of Statistics; or 
(e)    if the index in subclause (a) ceases to be published, its substitute as a cumulative indicator of the inflation rate of Australia.
Customer means your end customers, including those who acquire services from you (including by way of your use of the Platform and/or Solution) and/those who you receive payments from via the functionality made available as part of the Solution.
Documentation means any documentation available at www.docs.gliderpay.com  
Fee means the fees set out in Schedule 1 (consisting of the Services Fee, the Platform Fee, and the Solution Fee as applicable).
Force Majeure Event means any act, event or cause including earthquakes, cyclones, floods, fires, lightening, storms or other acts of God, pandemic, strikes or industrial disputes, riots, terrorist acts, civil disturbances, breakages of machinery, or industrial conditions, or arising out of any other unexpected and exceptional cause, delays in transportation and dispositions or orders of governmental authority, which:
(a)    directly or indirectly results in a party being prevented from or delayed in performing any of its obligations under this agreement; and
(b)    is beyond the reasonable control of that party.
Further Term means term set out in clause 3. 
Glider Account has the meaning given to that term in the Platform Terms.
Glider API means the application program interface (API) to connect to the Platform and create the Glider Account.
GST has the meaning given to that term in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. 
Initial Term means the terms set out in the Key Details. 
Intellectual Property Rights means all present and future rights conferred by statute, common law or equity in or in relation to any copyright, trade marks, designs, patents, circuit layouts, plant varieties, business and domain names, confidential information, inventions and other results of intellectual activity in the industrial, commercial, scientific, literary or artistic fields whether or not registered, registrable or patentable.
Industry Code means any applicable code, rules, regulations or procedures relevant to the Services, Platform, and/or Solutions.
Invoicing Terms mean the details of how we will invoice you as set out in Schedule 1.   
Key Details means the table set out at the start of this agreement.
Loss means any judgment, debt, damage, loss, cost, expense or liability however arising and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent whether at law, in equity, or otherwise.
NPP means the New Payments Platform: an open access infrastructure for fast payments in Australia.
Personal Information has the meaning given to that term in applicable Privacy Laws.
Privacy Act means Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). 
Privacy Laws means the Privacy Act and any other requirement under Australian State, Territory or Commonwealth law or binding industry code, policy or statement relating to the handling of Personal Information. 
Privacy Policy means the Glider privacy policy located at https://www.gliderpay.com/privacy-policy  (as updated from time to time).
Restraint Period means the Term and:
(a)    a period of 12 months commencing on the termination of this agreement, or of if a court considers this is unreasonable;
(b)    a period of 6 months commencing on the termination of this agreement, or of if a court considers this is unreasonable;
(c)    a period of 3 months commencing on the termination of this agreement, or of if a court considers this is unreasonable; and
(d)    a period of 1 month commencing on the termination of this agreement.
Material Change has the meaning given to that term in clause 5.2
Minor Change has the meaning given to that term in clause 5.3.
Platform Fee means the platform fee set out in Schedule 1. 
Platform means the platform described in Schedule 1. 
Platform Terms means terms applicable to the purchase and use of the Platform as set out in Schedule 2 to this agreement.
Regulatory Authority  means any and all governmental, statutory or regulatory bodies and any other competent authorities or entities in any jurisdiction having responsibility for the regulation or governance of any of the parties, or the activities contemplated by this agreement (or persons or entities appointed by or on the direction of such authorities and/or bodies and/or entities).
Service Level Agreement means Glider’s service level agreement and policy available at www.gliderpay.com/legal
Services means the services we provide you as set out in Schedule 1 and, if applicable, an approved Change Proposal.
Services Fee means the fees payable for any Services provided as set out in Schedule 1. 
Solutions means the solutions set out and described in Schedule 1.
Solution Terms means terms applicable to the purchase and use of the Solutions as set out in Schedule 3 to this agreement.
Start Date means the date this agreement is signed by both parties.
Taxable Supply has the meaning given to that term in A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. 
Term means has the meaning given to that term in clause 3.
20.2    In this document unless the context otherwise requires:
(a)    clause and subclause headings are for reference purposes only;
(b)    the singular includes the plural and vice versa; 
(c)    where a word or phrase is defined its other grammatical forms have a corresponding meaning;
(d)    references to statutes include all statutes amending, consolidating or replacing such statutes;
(e)    $ means the lawful currency of Australia;
(f)    any reference to a party to this document includes its successors and permitted assigns; and
(g)    the use of the word "includes" or "including" is not to be taken as limiting the meaning of the words preceding it.

Schedule 2 – Platform Terms 
The terms set out in this Schedule 2 apply to the Platform provided by Glider to you under this agreement, as described in Schedule 1.

1.    Glider Accounts 
1.1.    In order to access and use the Platform (and consequently any Solutions you have purchased), you must set up an account utilising any Glider API credentials that Glider makes available to you (Glider Account).
1.2.    You may only access the Platform and your Glider Account for the purposes of receiving the Services and Solutions from Glider under this agreement. 
1.3.    You are solely responsible for:
(a)    determining your authorised users who can access and use the Platform and/or your Glider Account;
(b)    all activity on the Glider Accounts, including activity by you and/or any unauthorised access by third parties; and
(c)    maintaining the confidentiality and security of the Glider Accounts and notifying us immediately of any unauthorised use or access.  

2.    Security obligations 
2.1.    You must maintain reasonable security measures to protect the Platform from third parties, including from any computer code or routine that is harmful, destructive, disabling or which assists in or enables theft, alteration, denial of service, unauthorised use, disclosure or destruction or corruption of data, including viruses, worms, spyware, adware, key loggers, Trojans or any types of programmed threats that may be harmful, or other elements of software used to prevent unauthorised access and use.
2.2.    When using your Client Systems to integrate to the Glider API or otherwise use the Platform (and any Solutions accessed via the Platform), you must ensure that each of the your representatives has a unique user name and password to access the integrated software, and undertake regular reviews of user access to the Glider API and Platform.

3.    Acceptable use of Platform
3.1.    You must not: 
(a)    use the Platform for any purpose that is illegal, fraudulent, or is otherwise objectionable, offensive, unlawful, deceptive or harmful;
(b)    copy, modify, or create derivative works based on the content available on or through the Platform; 
(c)    infringe the intellectual property rights, privacy or confidentiality of any third party;
(d)    engage in any activity that may result in injury, death, property damage, and/or liability of any kind; 
(e)    interfere or disrupt the Platform, servers or networks connected to the Platform or another person’s use of the Platform, including by transmitting any worms, viruses, spyware, malware or any other code of a destructive or disruptive nature;
(f)    distribute viruses, corrupt files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of any computer hardware or software; or
(g)    engage in any other conduct that inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Platform

4.    Suspension
4.1.    If you fail to comply with the acceptable uses set out in this clause, we reserve the right to immediately suspend your Glider Account and/or your access to the Platform, without liability to you (to the extent permitted by law). We will use reasonable endeavours to provide you with notice of such suspension or removal either prior to, or as soon as practical after, we suspend your access or remove the content. Where you:
(a)    rectify such breach, we will reinstate your Glider Account and/or your access to the Platform; or 
(b)    have not rectified such breach, we may terminate the agreement in accordance with clause 17.1 of the Agreed Terms.  
4.2.    Our rights to suspend your Glider Account, and/or access to the Platform does not limit any other rights or remedies that may be available to us under the agreement.

5.    Warranties 
5.1.    We warrant that the Platform will perform materially as described in the Documentation and we will not materially decrease the overall functionality of the Platform during the Term.

6.    Updates and back-ups 
6.1.    We will provide, configure, install and maintain any and all updates, upgrades, enhancements, releases, corrections, bug fixes, patches and modifications to the Platform as we deem necessary (Updates).
6.2.    We may suspend access to, or functionality on, the Platform from time to time to implement such Updates. We will use reasonable efforts to notify you of any Update that may interrupt the Platform. 
6.3.    You must accept all Updates necessary for the proper function and security of the Platform if and when such Updates are released by us.
6.4.    Whilst we reserve the right to undertake back-ups of the Platform, we are not obligated to do so and you are solely responsible for backing up your content.

PayTo Terms of Use

Last updated May 2024

1.    Definitions 
1.1.    Terms have the meaning given to them in the agreement, in the Platform Terms, throughout these Solution Terms, in the PayTo Solution Terms and/or as follows.
Affiliates means an entity or person that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, Controls, or is Controlled by, or is under common Control with, a party.
Claim means any allegation, debt, cause of action, liability, claim, proceeding, suit or demand of any nature howsoever arising and whether present or future, fixed or unascertained, actual or contingent whether at law, in equity, under statute or otherwise.
Control has the meaning set out in section 50AA of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).  
Financial Crime Regulations means any Applicable Law or regulatory requirement pertaining to money laundering, terrorism financing, bribery, corruption, tax evasion, fraud, the trafficking of arms, drugs, humans or wildlife, slavery, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, or evasion of Sanctions. A reference to a contravention of Financial Crime Regulations includes: 
(a)    the AML/CTF Act, any rules made under section 229 of the AML/CTF Act and any procedures mandated by the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC); 
(b)    the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth); 
(c)    the Autonomous Sanctions Act 2011 (Cth), the Autonomous Sanctions Regulations 2011 (Cth) and related instruments; and
(d)    any acts or attempts to circumvent or violate any Applicable Laws relating to Financial Crime Regulations.
Glider Account has the meaning given to that term in the Platform Terms.

High Risk Person means:
(a)    a Proscribed Person; 
(b)    an official or employee of any government or public international organisation or any family member of such official or employee;
(c)    an official or employee of any department, agency or instrumentality of said government or organisation including any government owned or government-controlled commercial enterprise, or any family member of such official or employee;
(d)    an officer or employee of the Client, purchaser of goods or services or other commercial party doing business with the Client, the Client’s Affiliates, or any family member of such officer or employee;
(e)    a candidate for political office or family member of the same;
(f)    a political party or party official or family member of the same;
(g)    any person acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any such government, department, agency, instrumentality, political party, or commercial party doing business with the Client or the Client’s Affiliate; or
(h)    any other person, individual or entity at the suggestion, request or direction or for the benefit of any of the persons described in (b) through (g). 
KYC means the know-your-customer procedures for identifying and verifying the identity of persons in accordance with, or otherwise to enable compliance with, Financial Crime Regulations.
Material Adverse Event means an event that has material adverse effect on:
(a)    the ability of a party to comply with its obligations under this agreement;
(b)    Glider’s assessment of the Client’s risk profile for the purposes of complying with Financial Crime Regulation and Trade Control Laws; 
(c)    the reputation, operations, cashflows or prospects of a party; or
(d)    the validity or enforceability of this agreement.

PayTo Solution means the solution described in the PayTo Solution Terms.
PayTo Solution Terms means the terms attached as Annexure A to this Schedule 3 – Solution Terms.
Other Institution means an entity with which Glider has a relationship in connection with the Solutions. This may include banks, ADIs, product issuers, other financial intermediaries, payments infrastructure/rails and Glider Affiliates.

Prohibited Activity means any:
(a)    use of the Solutions, whether for accepting or making payments or otherwise, in connection with businesses, business activities or business practices that are prohibited by Glider, BECS, NPPA, an Other Institution or financial institutions directly or indirectly involved in any Transaction; 
(b)    illegal or unlawful activity, or potentially illegal or unlawful activity, on the part of, or involving, the Client or any Customer; 
(c)    Transaction that does not comply with Financial Crime Regulations or Trade Control Laws; 
Proscribed Persons means a person who appears to Glider to:
(a)    be in contravention of Financial Crime Regulations;
(b)    subject to Sanctions, or appear in a list of persons with whom dealings are proscribed by the United Nations or the government or Regulatory Authority of any jurisdiction; or
(c)    act on behalf, or for the benefit of, any person described in (a) or (b).
Representatives an employee, officer, contractor or agent.
Sanctions means any economic sanctions, laws, regulations, embargoes or restrictive measures imposed under Australian law, by the United Nations Security Council or other Applicable Law.
Trade Control Laws means:
(a)    Sanctions; 
(b)    export control, or import laws; and 
(c)    any other relevant laws, regulations, orders, directives, designations, licences, or decisions relating to the trade of goods, technology, software and services which are imposed, administered or enforced by Australia or other Applicable Law.
Transactions means the initiation or processing of a credit or debit payment to an account, financial institution, bank account or digital wallet.
Transaction Dispute means: 
(a)    a claim by any person that a Transaction is invalid, fraudulent or otherwise unlawful; or 
(b)    any other dispute in relation to a Transaction, including the Client’s failure to provide any relevant goods or services to a Customer.
Unauthorised Activity means:
(a)    an act, omission or conduct which involves negligence, fraud, wilful misconduct, default, breach of statutory duty, breach of Applicable Laws, or unconscionable conduct engaged in by the Client or a person on the Client’s behalf (including the Client’s Representatives) in utilising or otherwise in connection with the Solutions;
(b)    any event, bug or other software or security issue arising out of the Client Systems, code, development or security processes, which potentially or actually may result in any cause of action, costs, damage, loss or liability affecting or for which Glider may otherwise potentially or actually incur liability, or any Transactions or refunds (as applicable) being initiated or duplicated in the absence of the Client express permission, authority or instruction;.
(c)    any Prohibited Activity; 
(d)    any failure to maintain adequate security of the Glider Account, including any failure to securely store and protect the any API key made available to you by Glider; and
(e)    any activity which is not authorised by the Client, not otherwise permitted or not in compliance with the Client’s instruction or direction.

2.    Provision of Solution
2.1.    The PayTo Solution is provided for the duration of the Term, commencing from the latter of the:
(a)    Start Date; or
(b)    the completion of all relevant KYC procedures and checks by the Client to Glider’s satisfaction,
except as otherwise agreed by the Parties in writing and subject to this agreement. 
2.2.    The Client agrees that Glider is not obliged to execute any Transaction or provide the PayTo Solution to the Client under this agreement that Glider considers would breach any Applicable Law or Industry Code in any jurisdiction. 
2.3.    In respect of any obligations set out throughout these Solution Terms and/or the PayTo Solution Terms, Glider will use reasonable endeavours to facilitate  fulfilling such obligations.
2.4.    In respect of any obligations of the Client  in respect of its use of the PayTo Solution throughout these Solution Terms and/or the PayTo Solution Terms, Glider will use reasonable endeavours to facilitate the Client’s ability to fulfil such obligations, however, ultimately the responsibility to fulfil the obligations sits with the Client.

3.    Access and use 

3.1.    Access to the PayTo Solution is via the Client’s Glider Account.

Access and responsibilities 
3.2.    In order to utilise the PayTo Solution and effect Transactions, the Client is permitted to use the Platform and its Glider Account in accordance with this agreement.  
3.3.         The Client agrees that the Client is responsible for: 
(a)    administering and managing its access to the PayTo Solution, including the PayTo Button; 
(b)    all instructions and Transactions in connection with the PayTo Solution; and 
(c)    all other activities that occur in connection with its credentials and access mechanisms. 
3.4.    The Client may not:
(a)    rent, lease, assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer any rights in the PayTo Solution to any other person; or 
(b)    alter, reproduce, adapt, distribute, display, publish, reverse engineer, translate, disassemble, decompile or otherwise attempt to create any source code that is derived from or included in the PayTo Solution.
3.5.    When using the PayTo Solution, the Client must comply with Applicable Law and any Industry Codes or policies adopted by Glider and notified to the Client in writing. 
Limits and other risk mitigation measures 
3.6.    Glider may from time to time and on written notice to the Client implement: 
(a)    limitations to the PayTo Solution; and 
(b)    other measures that it determines are reasonably necessary,
to reduce any material legal, regulatory, financial, operational or reputational risk that may impact Glider 
3.7.    As a result of the actions set out above, the Client understands and acknowledges that the PayTo Solution and certain or all Transactions may not be available at certain times.  The Client agrees it will not knowingly take any actions that cause Glider to violate any limits or restrictions imposed by Glider.
3.8.    The Client acknowledges that the limits, controls or measures described under this clause are for Glider’s own benefits and that the Client must not rely on them for its own compliance with this agreement or Applicable Law.

4.    Transaction arrangements
Transactions generally
4.1.    The PayTo Solution facilitates Transactions.  
4.2.    Transactions must be effected in accordance with this clause as well as the PayTo Solution Terms. 
4.3.    The Client must not use the PayTo Solution to initiate Transactions which are in excess of any amounts specified by Glider from time to time. Glider may refuse to process any Transaction which does not comply with these requirements.
4.4.    The Client must:
(a)    comply with all Financial Crime Regulations and Trade Control Laws in relation to Transactions the Client initiates;
(b)    promptly notify Glider if the Client becomes aware of any potential or actual unlawful or illegal activity by it in respect of Transactions or use of the PayTo Solution; 
(c)    follow any reasonable instructions from Glider if there is any potential or actual unlawful or illegal activity by the Client.
4.5.    The Client acknowledges and agree that: 
(a)    it is the Client’s obligation to determine the circumstances in which a refund is required in relation to any Transaction; and
(b)    the refund is not able to be actioned via the  PayTo Solution and/or Platform. 

Transaction disclosures

4.6.    The Client agrees that: 
(a)    all or part of the Client’s business/trading name may be included in any Transaction description; and
(b)    the establishment, acquirement and identification of any NPP facility may be done so by a name/code which includes all or part of the Client’s business/trading name, 
in each case, for the purpose of providing the PayTo Solution, complying with its obligations under this agreement, reducing the likelihood of Relevant Transaction Scenarios or otherwise to enable Glider to comply with Applicable Law.

Transaction Disputes 
4.7.    The following provisions apply if a Transaction Dispute occurs, subject to Applicable Law and Industry Codes. 
(a)    Client responsibility. The Client acknowledges and agrees that it is the Client’s responsibility to deal with Transaction Disputes. Unless otherwise agreed, the Client will use best endeavours to respond to any Transaction Dispute within 24 hours of first becoming aware of the Transaction Dispute. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Client must promptly comply with any directions provided by Glider in respect of a Transaction Dispute, including complying with processes and procedures, where such directions are required in order for Glider to comply with Applicable Law and Industry Codes.  
(b)    Requests from third parties. If Glider receives a request from any third party in connection with a Transaction Dispute (for example, to explain a Transaction), Glider will refer that third party to the Client, and the Client will attend to it as necessary. This is subject to any rights Glider has in this agreement or Applicable Law to supply information and documents, or take any action, directly. 
(c)    Supply of information and documents by Glider.  If Glider receives a Transaction Dispute in relation to an Authorised Payment Mandate (as applicable), Glider may, in the first instance, supply to the relevant financial institution all information and documents as permitted and requested to be supplied according to the applicable rules.  
(d)    Supply of information and documents by the Client.  Glider may request, and the Client agrees that the Client will supply to Glider or to a person specified by Glider, any relevant information and documents reasonably required in connection with a Transaction Dispute or a dishonour. The Client must provide such information and documents promptly, and unless otherwise agreed by Glider or if a shorter time is required by Applicable Law or Industry Codes, no later than 24 hours from request by Glider.  If a shorter time is required by Applicable Law or Industry Codes, then Client will provide the required information and documents within that time frame.
(e)    Resolution of Transaction Disputes.  A Transaction Dispute which is accepted by the Client or determined by the relevant financial institution or Regulatory Authority will be considered conclusively resolved. In such a case: 
(i)    the Client will notify Glider immediately of that resolution;
(ii)    Glider must ensure that sufficient funds are available to make any applicable payment; and
(iii)    if such funds are made available by the Client, the payment will be processed within 14 calendar days, unless otherwise specified, processes the payment even though funds have not been made available by the Client, the Client must pay Glider on demand for such amounts and any related Loss).
4.8.    The Parties obligations with respect to Transaction Disputes under Applicable Law and Industry Codes may continue notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this Agreement.  

Thresholds for Transaction Disputes

4.9.    The Client must take all reasonable steps to ensure that Transaction Disputes do not exceed any of: 
(a)    0.5% of the total monetary value of Transactions in any calendar month; 
(b)    0.5% of the total number of Transactions in any calendar month; or 
(c)    such other threshold as notified by Glider from time to time,
(each, a Relevant Threshold).
4.10.    Where Transaction Disputes exceed any Relevant Threshold, Glider will notify the Client and the Client must reduce the number of Transaction Disputes within a 30-calendar day period.  Failure by the Client to reduce the number of Transaction Disputes following a notification is grounds for suspension of the PayTo Solution and is also a material breach of this agreement. 
4.11.    The Client must comply with any timeframes and other processes notified by Glider from time to time in relation to responding to Transaction Disputes.

5.    PayTo Solution warranties
5.1.    In addition to any other representations and warranties set out this agreement, the Client represents and warrants to Glider that:
(a)    the Client has accessed and understood the PayTo Solution Terms; 
(b)    all information provided to Glider in connection with KYC procedures and otherwise in connection with this agreement is accurate, complete and not misleading and  Glider is entitled to rely on all such information without independent verification;
(c)    the Client has undertaken all necessary reviews and obtained necessary advice (including legal and tax advice) to make an informed decision about whether to enter into this agreement, including consideration of the appropriateness of the PayTo Solution and Client Systems for its circumstances; 
(d)    it complies with and has in place all necessary policies, procedures and other controls to enable it to comply with all Applicable Laws and this agreement; and 
(e)    the Client has all necessary governmental and regulatory licences, registrations, consents and approvals required by law to perform:
(i)    its obligations under this agreement; and 
(ii)    provide products and services to Customers, and 
(iii)    such governmental and regulatory licences, registrations, consents and approvals and are in full force and effect;
(f)    to the best of the Client’s knowledge and belief, having conducted reasonable diligence:
(i)    neither the Client, nor any of its Affiliates, Representatives or Customers are Proscribed Persons, owned or controlled by Proscribed Persons, or organised under the laws of or located or ordinarily resident in, a country or territory the subject of Sanctions; and 
(ii)    no High Risk Person: 
(A)    holds any financial interest in the Client; 
(B)    has any remunerated connection with the Client; or
(C)    owes duties to, or is owed duties, by the Client,
except for any ownership interest in respect of shares listed on a recognised stock exchange.
5.2.    The representations and warranties under this clause 5 and made elsewhere in this agreement are continuous, and made from the Start Date, and each day for the Term.

6.    Responsibilities 
The Client’s responsibilities
6.1.    The Client undertakes the following.
(a)    Information & assistance – to provide to or procure for Glider all information, documents and assistance relevant to the Client as is reasonably necessary for Glider to provide the PayTo Solution to comply with Applicable Laws, Financial Crime Regulations and Industry Codes, including any information, documents or material Glider reasonably requests. The Client will not omit or withhold any material information. 
(b)    Updates to information – to notify Glider promptly if it becomes aware that any information or materials provided to Glider are no longer accurate or complete, in circumstances that the Client believes may have a material effect on the PayTo Solution to be provided to it. 
(c)    Unauthorised Activity. Subject to Applicable Law, immediately if it knows or has reasonable grounds to suspect that the Client has acted unlawfully or any other Unauthorised Activity has occurred.
(d)    Implementation – to take reasonable steps to implement the PayTo Solution as soon as practicable following the Start Date. This includes ensuring all Client Systems are able to receive and interact with the PayTo Solution as necessary and that all necessary compliance policies and procedures are in place, in each case at the Client’s expense. To the extent that implementation and continued provision of the PayTo Solution is dependent on the Client procuring third party systems or the services or third party contractors, the Client undertakes to promptly procure and make available such third party systems or third party contractors, and ensure that third party contractors reasonably cooperate with Glider, in all cases in a manner that is sufficient to enable to Glider to provide the PayTo Solution. 
(e)    Lawful access and use – to access and use the PayTo Solution the solely for lawful purposes, and not use them for, or undertake Transaction, or otherwise accept or make payments in connection with, any Unauthorised Activity.  The Client also agrees to do all things necessary to monitor and take action to decrease the likelihood of unlawful and Unauthorised Activity by the Client, Authorised Persons and Customers. Without limiting the generality of these requirements, the Client undertakes: 
(i)    not to directly or indirectly pay, offer, give, promise to pay or give or authorise the payment or gift of any portion of a Transaction or any other financial advantage or other thing of value to any High Risk Person in a manner that contravenes Applicable Law;  
(ii)    not to use the PayTo Solution to initiate or process any Transaction involving, or have any other dealing with, any Proscribed Person or in breach of any Sanctions; 
(iii)    not to offer any goods or services in contravention of any Financial Crime Regulations or Trade Control Laws; and
(iv)    to comply with all applicable anti-slavery and anti-human trafficking laws in relation to any goods or services, the initiation of any Transaction, and otherwise in connection with this agreement. 
(f)    Reasonable instructions from Glider– to access and use, and procure Authorised Persons to access and use, the PayTo Solution strictly in accordance with Glider’s reasonable instructions, directions, guidance and manuals provided by Glider, including other requirements or protocols in respect of the PayTo Solution as notified by Glider in writing.
(g)    Responses to enquiries – to answer, in reasonable detail and with supporting evidence, any reasonable enquiry from Glider related to the Client’s compliance this agreement and, if Glider requests, promptly (which must not exceed 10 Business Days): 
(i)    provide copies of any policies, procedures, or other documents related to the Client’s compliance with this agreement and Applicable Law; and
(ii)    execute and deliver to Glider, on request, a certificate of compliance in a form proposed by Glider, that confirms its continued compliance with this agreement and Applicable Law.
Glider is only permitted to make such a request once per year of the Term, unless such evidence is required under an Applicable Law.
(h)    Notifications – to promptly notify Glider in writing of: 
(i)    a Material Adverse Event; 
(ii)    any actual breach of this agreement; 
(iii)    the occurrence of any fact or event that would render any undertaking, representation or warranty in this agreement or any matter disclosed by the Client, including in response to any KYC process, incorrect, incomplete or misleading; 
(iv)    any Unauthorised Activity, use, copying, alteration, transfer, or other breach of security (electronic or physical) in respect of the PayTo Solution; and 
(v)    any investigation by a Regulatory Authority, audit, suit, or proceeding (whether civil, criminal or administrative) regarding the Client, the Client’s Affiliates’, Customers’ violation of, or failure to comply with, any Financial Crime Regulations. 

Record keeping

6.2.    The Client agrees to keep and enable access to records of each Transaction for seven years from the Transaction date (or such longer period as required by Applicable Law) to enable Glider to exercise its rights under clause 6.1(a) and for any applicable Regulatory Authorities to carry out any relevant inspection or review of Glider’s operations as they relate to this agreement. 
6.3.    Glider agrees to keep Transaction records and any other documents, information required to do so under Applicable Law, Financial Crime Regulation and Industry Codes.
6.4.    The Client and Customer Transaction history will be made available to the Client through the Glider Account and Glider API, but only during the Term of this Agreement.  The Client is solely responsible for reconciliation of Transaction history with the Client’s respective books. However, should the Client find any discrepancy during reconciliation, the Client must notify Glider, so it can promptly investigate and attempt to resolve any reported discrepancies.

7.    Suspension and maintenance 

Suspension or restriction of Solutions
7.1.    The PayTo Solution (or any part of it) may be suspended or restricted (including the Client’s account and the processing or remitting of any payments to the Client) solely in accordance with this clause 7. 
7.2.    Such suspension and/or restriction will only occur in circumstances where suspension is necessary to address the integrity of the PayTo Solution, the broader payments infrastructure or otherwise to ensure it complies with Applicable Law, Financial Crime Regulation, or Industry Codes, or where:
(a)    the Client is in breach of this agreement;
(b)    the Client is not in compliance with Applicable Law or Industry Code;
(c)    Unauthorised Activity has taken place; 
(d)    it is required by law, or is otherwise requested by a Regulatory Authority;  
(e)    it is unable to access or participate in any payment system for whatever reason; 
(f)    an Other Institution suspends any functions provided in connection with the PayTo Solution, conducts unexpected maintenance in respect of any relevant functions, or ceases its relationship with Glider; or
(g)    the Client fails to provide requested information or documentation as required under this agreement, and the information is required to provide the PayTo Solution, comply with applicable or Industry Codes.  

Notification of suspension and reactivation 
7.3.    Glider will always seek, where possible, to notify the Client in writing before such suspension or restriction. Examples of where it may not be possible to notify the Client before suspension include where: 
(a)    notification is prohibited under Applicable Law or Industry Code; 
(b)    notification is prejudicial to an imminent or ongoing investigation; or
(c)    immediate suspension is required by an Other Institution, or to address a material risk to the PayTo Solution and/or Glider’s business. 
7.4.    Where the Client has demonstrated to Glider’s reasonable satisfaction that the matters giving rise to a suspension have been rectified or the matter has otherwise been resolved the provision of the PayTo Solution will be reactivated.   

7.5.    The PayTo Solution may be disrupted or unavailable during periods of scheduled or unscheduled maintenance.  
7.6.    The Client acknowledges Glider is permitted, in its discretion, up to 4 scheduled maintenance windows per year to maintain and increase the availability and performance of the PayTo Solution. Glider will use reasonable endeavours to provide at least 14 calendar days’ notice for scheduled maintenance to the Client Contact. Glider may request on behalf of the Client, where it is reasonable to do so, endeavours to schedule maintenance in days/times of expected low transaction volumes. Notwithstanding anything else, maintenance windows (scheduled or unscheduled) due to or requested by Other Institutions, may be called at any time and with no minimum prior notice.

8.    Indemnity and liability 
Client indemnity
8.1.    The Client agrees to indemnify and hold Glider harmless from any and all Loss directly or indirectly in connection with:  
(a)    a failure by the Client or any Authorised Person to comply with any obligation under this agreement in respect to:
(i)    login credentials, other access methods, and security requirements generally; or
(ii)    regulatory standing and financial crime controls; 
(b)    the Client’s violation of any Applicable Law or Industry Code (including Financial Crime Regulations or Trade Control Laws) and Glider’s violation of any Applicable Law or Industry Code that is caused as a result of any act or omission of the Client and/or its Representatives;
(c)    any Wilful Misconduct or fraud committed by the Client, an Authorised Person or a Customer; 
(d)    any failed or interrupted Transactions caused by the Client Systems; 
(e)    any Unauthorised Activity; 
(f)    any breach by the Client of these Solution Terms and/or the PayTo Solution Terms;
(g)    any Claim, fine, penalty, service credits or additional cost imposed or levied by a Regulatory Authority or Other Institution due to the negligence or breach of this agreement by the Client; and
(h)    the Client’s non-compliance with its obligations in clauses 4.8 to 4.11 of this Schedule 3.

9.    Variation of Solution Terms 
9.1.    Glider may, acting reasonably, vary these Solution Terms and/or the PayTo Solution Terms at any time by notice to the Client (which must be provided via the Glider Account or by email). Glider will give the Client as much notice of the of the variation as is practicable, and in any case the notice must be reasonable. 

Annexure A to Schedule 3 – PayTo Solution Terms 

Last updated 16 April, 2024 

1       Purpose and interaction with the Agreement
(a)   The Attachment to this Annexure A to Schedule 3 forms part of the PayTo Solution Terms. These PayTo Solution Terms form part of the agreement. They must be read together with the remainder of the agreement.
(b)   The remainder of the agreement, including all schedules, apply to these PayTo Solution Terms.
(c)   If there is any conflict between any of the terms in the attachments and these PayTo Solution Terms, the terms in the attachments prevail.

2       Definitions
In this Annexure A to Schedule 3 (including all Attachments), the following terms have the following meanings, unless the contrary intention appears.  Other terms have the meaning given to them in the Agreed Terms and/or applicable Schedules.
Account means an account with an ADI or Identified Institution to which NPP Payments may be received and from which NPP Payments may be made.
Account Holder means the person who owns or is authorised to operate an Account.
Account Number means the number issued by the provider of an Account to identify a particular Account.
Authorised Payment Mandate has the meaning given to it in Attachment A.
Clearing means activities such as sending, receipt and confirmation of payment messages from the time a commitment is made for a Transaction until it is settled. Clearing within a NPP context refers to a set of message flows that includes a Clearing Request from a Debtor Agent and a Clearing notification from a Creditor Agent. Clearing includes the activities that occur before settlement.
Clearing Request or CR means the NPP Message that initiates an NPP Payment.
Connected Institution means a body corporate which is connected to the NPP Basic Infrastructure solely for the purpose of sending and receiving Non-Value Messages, and which may also be an “Overlay Service Provider” (as defined in the NPP Regulations).
Creditor means a person or organisation to whom money is owed by a debtor.
Creditor Agent means the FI which issued the Creditor Account to which an amount of money is due.
Debtor means the party that owes an amount of money to a Creditor.
Debtor Agent means the FI which issued the Debtor Account which owes an amount of money to a Creditor.
Disabling Event means any:
(a)     Outage (other than an FSS Outage or NPP scheduled maintenance) or processing, communications or other failure of a technical nature;
(b)     data or security breach; or
(c)     inaccessibility (total or partial) to facilities by means of which NPP Payments or Non-Value Messages are sent and received; and
which affects, or may affect, the ability of any NPP Participant to send or receive NPP Payments or ‘Non-Value Messages’, or of any Connected Institution to send or receive ‘Non-Value Messages’ or of any ‘Overlay Service Provider’ to provide its ‘Overlay Service’ (as such terms are defined in the NPP Regulations).
FI means a financial institution.
Float Account means a uniquely identifiable account, with a BSB, account number and PayID and notified to the Client, which enables the Client to settle, identify and reconcile Transactions. Funds and Transactions are recorded when the Client remits funds initiated by the Client’s or a Customer’s instructions.
FSS Outage means an outage of the Fast Settlement Service, the RBA’s settlement service operated as part of RITS for settlement of NPP Payments by NPP Participants.
Full Participant means an NPP Participant which:
(a)     connects directly to the NPP Basic Infrastructure for the purposes of sending and receiving NPP Payments and Non-Value Messages; and
(b)     is authorised by the RBA to use the FSS for settlement of NPP Payments.
Identified Institution means an institution that is not connected to the NPP Basic Infrastructure, but which has an arrangement with one or more NPP Participants to clear and/or settle NPP Payments on its behalf using the institution’s BSB, associated BIC11 and payment routing information set out in the NPP Business Reference Data Table.
Incident means a Disabling Event, and any other incident or event of a similar nature as determined by NPPA or the NPP Incident Response Group.
ISO 20022 refers to the international standard for financial industry messaging set out in the document ISO 20022 Financial Solutions - Universal financial industry message scheme.
Item means a credit payment instruction in an electronic format.
Mandated Payments Service or MPS or PayTo means the NPP business services described in Part 17 of the NPP Regulations.
NPP Basic Infrastructure means the NPP basic infrastructure network and addressing service operated by SWIFT, with link settlement via the FSS. The NPP basic infrastructure:
(a)     supports the exchange of Non-Value Messages between NPP Participants and Connected Institutions; and
(b)     facilitates the Clearing and settlement of NPP Payments between NPP Participants.
NPP Message means a financial message within the NPP Message Set formatted in accordance with ISO 20022.
NPP Message Set means the set of ISO 20022 messages approved and published by NPPA for use within the NPP Basic Infrastructure.
NPP Participant means a Full Participant, a Clearing Participant or a Settlement Participant.
NPP Payment means payments cleared and settled via NPP.
NPP Procedures means the technical, operational and security procedures prescribed by NPPA for the purposes of the NPP Basic Infrastructure.
NPP Regulations means the rules prescribed by NPPA that establish the core obligations and rights between NPPA, NPP Participants, Connected Institutions and Overlay Service Providers, including, without limitation, the annexures and schedules to those regulations.
PayTo Solutions means the PayTo Solution provided under these PayTo Solution Terms and described in clause 3.1 of these PayTo Solution Terms.
PayTo User Terms and Conditions means the PayTo User Terms and Conditions set out at Attachment A to these PayTo Solution Terms.
NPP Transaction means an end-to-end Payment, Payment Return or NPP Adjustment, effected in accordance with the provision of the solutions under these PayTo Solution Terms in respect of the Client.
Outage in relation to:
(a)     a Full Participant, Clearing Participant or Connected Institution, means a total or partial PAG outage or back-office system outage, whether of an intermittent nature or not, which persists for a period of minutes specified for an outage in the NPP Regulations, or more; and
(b)     in relation to the FSS PAG, means an outage notified by the RBA to NPPA. 
Payee means, in relation to a Payment, the Account Holder of the destination Account.
Payee Participant means in relation to an NPP Payment, means the NPP Participant to which the Clearing Request is directed.
Payer means in relation to a Payment, the Account Holder of the source Account.
Payer Participant means in relation to an NPP Payment, means the NPP Participant which sends a Clearing Request.
PayID and PayID Identifier means an alternative identifier, such as a phone number or email address, or any other unique identifier for an Account approved by NPPA for registration in the NPP Addressing Service.
PayID Address means the Issuer Identifier and Account Number associated with a PayID.
PayID Information means the PayID Identifier, PayID Address and PayID Name for an Account.
PayID Name means a name, word, or any combination of alphanumeric and/or other approved characters to reasonably represent and identify an Account Holder, either generated for or selected by the Account Holder by or on behalf of the Registering Participant or selected by the Account Holder with Registering Participant approval.
PayID Service means the central payment addressing service, which is available for addressing NPP Payments.
PayID Type means the type of identifier the Client selects for receiving NPP Payments (or which Glider selects on its behalf), which may be the Glider or the Client’s telephone number, mobile number, email address, Australian company number, Australian business number.
Payment means a movement of funds between Accounts using the PayTo Solution.
Payment Request means a message that a Payee will send to a Payer requesting a Payment.
Payment Return means an NPP Message that a Payee Participant will send to affect a return of a settled Misdirected Payment, Mistaken Payment, Error Payment, Duplicate Payment or other settled NPP Payment which it determines to return (as an Unsolicited Payment Return) or which it returns pursuant to a Payer Participant’s NPP Payment Return Request.
RBA means the Reserve Bank of Australia.
Registering Participant is as defined in the NPP Regulations.
Replay means the resending of an NPP Message with the same Transaction ID.
RITS means the RBA’s Information & Transfer System, which is Australia’s high value real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system and is used by banks and other approved institutions to settle obligations arising from the exchange of payments and securities Transactions.
Settlement means the process by which all financial obligations arising from the Clearing of payments are settled and the term “Settle” is construed accordingly.
SWIFT means S.W.I.F.T. Domestic Australia Pty Limited ACN 602 666 142.

3       Solutions

3.1      PayTo Solutions
(a)     Glider will facilitate the provision of the PayTo Solutions to the Client. PayTo Solutions enable the Client to request, and a Customer to authorise a NPP Payment in accordance with an Authorised Payment Mandate.
(b)     In respect of PayTo Solutions, Glider does not hold any funds, as funds move directly from the Customer to Payee unless the Client is receiving the PayTo Float Account Settlement Solution. Accordingly, clause 4 does not apply to the PayTo Solutions unless the Client is receiving the PayTo Float Settlement Solution, in which case clause 4 does apply.

3.2      Glider’s role

Glider in providing the PayTo Solutions, processes, and deals in NPP Transactions. It does not issue any non-payment cash facilities (as defined by the Corporations Act). An Other Institution and ADI, is responsible for the issuance of any non-payment cash facilities and the clearing and settlement of NPP Transactions.

4       Solution specific accounts

4.1      Relevant accounts
(a)     Glider utilises a Float Account. Float Accounts are generally used for the purposes of remitting funds as initiated by the Client’s Transaction instructions.
(b)      The Client is not entitled to any interest or other compensation associated with any of the funds held in the Float Account.
(c)      In order to comply with Applicable Law, Glider may initiate Transactions from the Float Account to other accounts (including the Nominated Bank Accounts) if Glider determines that this is necessary to maintain the nature, purpose and intent of the Float Account.  For example, if the Client appears to use the Float Account as a means to store funds.
4.2      Client acknowledgements
The Client acknowledges and agrees that:
(a)     Glider has sole discretion over the establishment and maintenance of each Float Account;
(b)    Glider will make credit and debit entries reflecting Transactions against the Float Account; and
(c)     funds in the Float Account are not held on trust by Glider and
(d)      it has no legal or beneficial interest in any funds held in the Float Account and its rights in connection with such funds are limited to a contractual obligation for Glider to transact an equivalent amount and currency of funds to enable settlement of a Transaction, subject to the terms of this agreement.
4.3      Disclaimer
Clauses 4.2 is subject to Applicable Law. In particular, where any funds are required to be held in any other capacity (for example, beneficially for the Client), Glider will:
(a)     follow any mandatory requirements to the extent of any inconsistency with the other provisions of this clause 4; and
(b)     seek to notify you of the difference in treatment, although a failure to do so should not be taken as a breach of the agreement.

5       NPP Transactions
5.1      General
All Transactions must be fully funded and all payments must be made in accordance with these PayTo Solution Terms and agreement.
5.2      Limitations
(a)     Glider may refuse to accept or process, or may require an indemnity from the Client or impose other conditions before accepting or processing, any NPP Transaction or series of NPP Transactions, where Glider suspects or has reasonable grounds to believe that to do so may result in a Transaction Dispute, Claim or circumstances warranting investigation (“Relevant Transaction Scenario”).  This includes where, in Glider’s reasonable opinion, a NPP Transaction is for a person other than the Client.

6       Responsibilities
(a)     The Client must:
(i)         ensure that correct information appears on each Item;
(ii)        process and provide to Glider any information regarding any dispute over an amount and assist Glider in the resolution of any issue arising out of a solicited request;
(iii)       comply with the NPP Regulations and Procedures; and
(iv)       where applicable, comply with the PayTo User Terms and Conditions.
(b)     The Client acknowledges and agrees that:
(i)         all NPP Transactions will be processed in accordance with relevant Industry Codes and corresponding settlement process;
(ii)       Glider will rely on the instructions received from the Client, the NPPA or any NPPA member, without making any further inquiry, verification or authentication of any particulars or reconciliation of NPP Transactions.
(c)      For any given Transaction, only the obligations applicable to Glider’s role in that Transaction will apply to Glider, only the obligations applicable to the Client’s role in that Transaction will apply to the Client, and any obligations applicable to the other FI to that Transaction are to be interpreted as being included for information purposes only.

7       Liability
Without limitation to the rights in Agreed Terms, to the fullest extent permitted by law and without limiting any rights of the Client under any Applicable Laws, Glider is not liable for any Claim or Loss arising out of or in connection with:
(a)     any NPP Transaction to or from an incorrect Account as a result of making a payment in accordance with the instructions contained in an Item;
(b)      any error in the NPP Transaction processing if such error was due to an incorrect payment instruction received from such persons, unless the event giving rise to the Claim or Loss is directly due to Glider’s negligence, fraud or wilful misconduct.
This clause survives termination of the agreement.

Attachment A - PayTo User Terms and Conditions

1       Interaction with the agreement
These PayTo User Terms and Conditions form part of the PayTo Solution Terms. They must be read together with the whole agreement (including all schedules).

2       Definitions
In this attachment, the following terms have the following meanings, unless the contrary intention appears.  Other terms have the meaning given to them in the agreement (including the schedules) and the PayTo Solution Terms.
1.    Authorised Payment Mandate means a Mandate that has been authorised by the Customer and stored in the Mandate Management Service, authorising an NPP Payment, or a series of NPP Payments, to be made from the Customer’s account to a PayTo User’s account.
2.    Customer Financial Institution means the Customer’s financial institution.
3.  Documentation means any documentation Glider may provide the Client to assist the Client in using the Mandated Payment Service including manuals and guides, whether in an electronic form or otherwise.
4.    Mandate means a payment mandate produced in accordance with this Agreement clause 3.2 which has not yet been approved by the Customer.
5.    Mandate Management Service means the central, secure database operated by NPPA of Authorised Payment Mandates.
6.    Mandated Payment Service means a service which enables a PayTo User to request, and the Customer/s to pre-authorise an NPP Payment, or a series of NPP Payments, in accordance with an Authorised Payment Mandate, and to amend, suspend, unsuspend, and cancel Authorised Payment Mandates.
7.    PayTo User means a user of the PayTo Solutions who is authorised and approved by an NPP Participant, or its sponsored Identified Institution, to use the Mandate Management Service and Mandated Payment Service.

3      Authorised Payment Mandate
3.1       Creating an Authorised Payment Mandate
(a)     An Authorised Payment Mandate may be initiated by Glider for any Customer.
(b)      The Customer will instruct Glider to produce a Mandate which Glider will include on the Mandate Management Service. The NPPA, through the Mandate Management Service, will notify the Customer’s Financial Institution of the Mandate at which point the Customer will receive a notification to either authorise or reject the Mandate.
(c)     The Customer is required to authorise or reject the Mandate within the period of time specified in the Mandate, otherwise the Mandate will lapse. Such period of time must not exceed five calendar days, (unless the Client and the Customer are expecting a “real-time” response, in which case the Customer/s are required to respond to the Mandate within five minutes). Where the Customer does not authorise or reject the Mandate within the specified period of time, the Mandate is deemed to be rejected.
(d)    If the Customer rejects a Mandate because they do not believe that it reflects the terms of the agreement that it will enter into with the PayTo User, the Customer is required to contact the PayTo User and have the PayTo User amend and resubmit the details of the Mandate.
(e)      Once a Mandate has been authorised by the Customer, the Customer Financial Institution will update the Mandate Management Service with this information and the Mandate becomes an Authorised Payment Mandate.
(f)     PayTo Users must not submit any more than three Mandates per day to the Customer/s for the same goods or services. Glider reserves the right to suspend Mandates that do not comply with this clause.
(g)      Glider reserves the right to take any necessary action to ensure the Client does not have an Authorised Payment Mandate, Direct Debit request and Direct Debit request service agreement in place simultaneously for the same goods or services with a Customer.
3.2       Unauthorised Payment Mandates
(a)        The Client must notify Glider as soon as it becomes aware of any Transaction occurring that is not permitted under the terms of a relevant Authorised Payment Mandate. Glider will review details of the Transaction in accordance with Applicable Law and Industry Codes (including the NPP Procedures and NPP Regulations). The Client must provide reasonable assistance to enable Glider to undertake such review and must respond to any requests for further information from Glider within one (1) business day unless otherwise specified by Glider. In no circumstances will Glider be liable for any Transaction or payment made that was authorised by the terms of the Authorised Payment Mandate.

4       Responsibilities
(a)        The Client must:
(i)         notify Glider immediately if the Client no longer owns or has authority to use the bank account to which an Authorised Payment Mandate has or will be made;
(ii)        promptly respond to any notification that the Client receives from Glider regarding the suspension of an Authorised Payment Mandate for misuse, fraud or for any other reason;
(iii)        ensure that the Client complies with the terms of any agreement that the Client has with Customers;
(iv)       ensure that any billing notices are issued to Customers in accordance with the terms of the agreement with the relevant Customer;
(v)        not use the Mandated Payment Service for fraudulent or improper purposes, which for clarity, includes (but is not limited to) where the Client contravenes clauses 3.1(h) or 3.2(g) of these User Terms, or where the Client cancels or suspends an Authorised Payment Mandate without a lawful basis;
(vi)       comply with all Applicable Laws in connection with the Client’s use of the Mandated Payment Service;
(vii)      ensure that applicable infrastructure and processes are in place in order to comply and continue to comply with the PayTo User Terms and Conditions; and
(viii)     ensure that all Customers have provided all necessary authorities and approvals to enable the Client to authorise Glider to collect Fees or payments and/or issue payouts on the Client’s behalf including under any Authorised Payment Mandates.
(b)        The Client acknowledges and agrees that:
(i)         Glider will not be responsible for any Loss that Glider suffers as a result of the Client not promptly responding to any notification that the Client receives from Glider regarding the suspension of an Authorised Payment Mandate for misuse, fraud or for any other notification;
(ii)        Subject to NPP Regulations and NPP Procedures, Glider will be the Client’s sole and exclusive provider of the PayTo Solutions where specified in the Application Form. In such circumstances, the Client will not procure from any other Person services that are the same, or substantially equivalent to, the PayTo Solutions during the Initial Term or any Renewal Term;
(iii)        it is responsible for the accuracy of the information that the Client provides to Glider in connection with all Mandates;
(iv)       it will notify Glider immediately if the Client experiences any activity that appears suspicious or erroneous;
(v)        it will respond to a notification from Glider requiring the Client to confirm that all of the Client’s Authorised Payment Mandates are accurate and up to date within the timeframe Glider have specified;
(vi)       it may not request Glider to amend the payment details of another party. Once an Authorised Payment Mandate has been established, the Client’s payment details may only be amended by Glider; and
(vii)       Glider may provide the Client with separate Documentation. The Client will comply with all terms in such Documentation that apply to the Client’s organisation.

5       Liability
Without limitation to the rights in the agreement, the Client will be liable for any Loss arising out of or in connection with any incorrect information provided by the Client

Glider Service Level Agreements

Last updated May 2024

We operate a full service help desk from our Australian HQ in Sydney. All faults should be logged via email to support@gliderpay.com 
An engineer will be assigned to diagnose and manage the repair process, end to end.

Faults will be categorised as per the SLA into 4  priority categories:

  • P1: Urgent
  • P2: High
  • P3: Medium
  • P4: Low

We will keep the nominated client escalation contacts up to date with progress. Where incidents are at risk of missing the SLA, the incident will be escalated through our escalation chain. 

Service Level Guarantees

> 99.5% Availability Guarantee
> 3rd Party Monitoring & Online Reporting of Uptime of Key Platforms


Target initial

Target resolution time

Update frequency

P1: Urgent

Within 30 min

4 hours, Continuous effort after initial response and with Client Co-operation

Hourly basis

P2: High

Within 1 hr

Within 8 Hours after initial response

Every 4 hours

P3: Medium

Within 12 hrs

Within 12 hours

Every 24 hours

P4: Low

Within 24 hrs

Within 24 Business Hours after initial response

Every 24 hours


Last updated May 2024

Glider is committed to your right to privacy. In the course of carrying out our activities, including providing our platforms and services Glider Pay Pty Ltd (ACN 654 579 325) and our affiliates, subsidiaries, and/or related bodies corporate (together, "Glider" "we," "us" or the "Company") will collect, store, use and disclose Personal Data.

1.  Application

1.1  This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") is an integral part of our terms and conditions applicable to you, and governs the data collection, processing, use, transfer and disclosure made by us in connection with:

(a) visitors to our website: www.gliderpay.com (respectively, "Visitor" and "Website"); 
(b) the services provided by Glider, including a payments communication solution offered by Glider to its customers (respectively, "Glider Solution" "Customer"); 
(c) transactions made by Customer’s end users via the Glider Solution ("End Users"); and 
(d) other related services and applications, 
(collectively, "Services").  Each of the Visitors, Customers and End Users are referred to in this Privacy Policy as "you", "your" or "End User".

1.2  If you choose to use the Services, interact with the Website, or otherwise provide data to us, you explicitly agree to the use of such data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You may not use the Website and/or Services or submit any data through them if you do not agree to any of the terms of this Privacy Policy.

1.3  This Privacy Policy shall not be construed in any manner to derogate from any other agreement or understanding between Glider and you.

2.  What is Personal Data and how does Glider collect my Personal Data?  

2.1  "Personal Data" or "Personal Information" (will be referred together as "Personal Data"), means any information about an identifiable individual or that identifies or can be used to identify a natural person, including, but not limited to, first and last name, phone number, email address, online identifiers, IP address, billing information, information concerning households, devices etc.

2.2  "Non-Personal Data", means non-identifiable aggregated data, such as technical data transmitted by the user’s device and aggregated use of the website. This data is not used to identify individuals.

2.3  The ways we may collect your Personal Data include the following.

(a) Directly from the individual. We may collect Personal Data directly from the individual, including while providing our Services, from the Glider Solution, our Website and other online platforms, including using cookies (data files placed on your device or computer).
(b) From third parties. In some circumstances, we do not have a direct relationship with the person whose Personal Data we are receiving, accessing, handling, processing, and/or storing (as applicable). We may receive Personal Data about individuals from third parties with whom the relevant individual has a relationship with, including from Customers as follows. When you interact with our Services via our Customers, we may receive, access and process your Personal Data as follows.

(i) The Customer as your employer. Where our Customer is your employer and/or you’re otherwise engaged by the Customer (for example, as a contractor or other representative), the Customer may disclose your Personal Data to us while enabling your use of our Services.
(ii) The Customer as an entity with whom you interact. Where you interact with one of our Customers, including where you’re their End User, while using our Services, the Customer may make your Personal Data available to us to access and/or otherwise use or handle.

(c) Publicly available information. We may also collect Personal Data from publicly available sources of information, including via websites, directories, and social media channels.

2.4  While your disclosure of Personal Data to the third parties set out above remains governed by your relationship with that third party, including their privacy policy, our access and use of your Personal Data, once we receive access to it from such third parties, will be governed by this Privacy Policy.

3.  What data is collected by Glider and for what purposes is it processed and use?

3.1  We use Personal Data for the purposes specified below and in section 3.3 below.

Type of User and type of Data
Purposes of Processing
Customers onboarding

If you register as a Customer to our Services, we will collect and process your information during the registration process. Such information includes, but is not limited to, your name, region, company, email address, contact details of your contact person, financial information (e.g  PayIDs, bank account numbers and BSB numbers), etc.  This information is collected from you directly when you engage with us (for instance when executing an agreement with us or signing a purchase order).

We collect this information directly from you when you engage with Glider in a service agreement.

 To onboard you to our Services and/or implement the Glider Solution within your environment.


To provide you with the Services;

To identify authorised Users to access the Services;

To resolve any disputes, communicate with you regarding customer service and support issues, and to respond to questions or comments and help resolve any problems.

Technical Information, Geolocation and Online Identifiers

We collect technical information transmitted by your device when using the Website and/or Services, this information includes: type of the operating system and device used to access the Website and/or Services, date and time stamp, language preferences, approximate geolocation (i.e., country/state), and your actions such as page views etc.

This information is collected automatically from you when you are using the Website and Services.

To identify authorised users of the Customer;

To access and use the Services.

To resolve any disputes, communicate with you regarding customer service and support issues, and to respond to questions or comments and help resolve any problems.


End Users Using The Glider Solution

When you use the Services, namely the Glider Solution, to make payment or set up a payment plan, we collect and process certain information about you. Such information includes your name, email, phone number, address, billing information such as reference numbers and financial information (e.g.,  PayIDs, bank account numbers and BSB numbers.

The above mentioned information may be collected directly from you when you pay with the Glider Solution, or transferred to us by the Glider Customer that you are paying, depending on the process of implementation of the Glider Solution in the Customer’s payment process.

To provide you with the service and enable you to pay the Payment Request sent to you by the Customer or pay via instalments;

To resolve any disputes, communicate with you regarding customer service and support issues, and to respond to questions or comments and help resolve any problems.
General Interaction Information

If you contact us via the “Contact Us” feature available through the Website or otherwise and/or engage with any request for feedback from us (including via a survey or otherwise), we may collect certain information regarding you, such as your full name, your email, your phone number, your position (e.g., End User or Customer) your company (if applicable to you), country, the content of your message, etc.

We may also collect and other information from your interactions with us online, including cookie information, security tokens, IP address, URLs, search histories and other associated information.

We collect this information directly from you when you contact us or engage in a survey or provide feedback and/or otherwise interact with our Services.

To answer your queries and provide you with the services you requested from us.








3.2  We do not knowingly collect or process any  Sensitive Information as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

3.3  In addition to the purposes for processing set out against the specific types of Personal Data in the table above, we also collect, hold, use and disclose Personal Data for the following purposes.

(a) Conducting our business. This includes providing our Services, or the products and services of a third party, to our Customers and the End Users, including personalising a Customer and/or End User’s use of the Services, responding to enquiries, and providing technical support.
(b) Service improvement. To improve and optimise our Services and platforms.
(c) Legal. To comply with any legal obligations that we have in respect of Personal Data.
(d) Security. As necessary to help detect and prevent potentially illegal acts and fraud, and to guide decisions about the products, services, and communications.
(e) Communication. To provide you with information or advertising relating to our Services (including serving and targeting advertisements) or marketing communications we believe may be of interest you.
(f) Advertising. For our internal administrative, research, planning, marketing, and product development purposes.
(g) Administrative. For our internal administrative, research, planning, marketing, and product development purposes.

4.  Will Glider share my personal data with others?

4.1  We may also disclose Personal Data to the following third parties for their use for the same purposes as set out in section 3 of this Privacy Policy. 

(a) Our parent companies and other affiliates and related bodies corporate.
(b) Third-party service providers who assist us so we can make our Services available to our Customers and their End Users and/or assist with ancillary services made available through Services.
(c) Financial Institutions, third parties who provide and support payment infrastructure and networks, payment gateway service providers, and payment processors.
(d) Technology and marketing service providers and partners, such as Google Analytics. 
(e) The Customer as the entity who has employed or otherwise engaged you and/or with whom you, as an End User, have a relationship.
(f) To potential or actual buyers or other third parties involved in any sale, merger, acquisition, or any form of transfer of ownership of our business or consideration of the same.
(g) Other third parties with your consent or direction to do so.

4.2  While our disclosure of Personal Data to such third parties is governed by our privacy policy, such third party’s use of your Personal Data, including contacting them with any queries you have about the Personal Data they hold and how they are using it, will be governed by their privacy policy. It is your sole responsibility to review such privacy policies.

5.  Will Glider transfer my personal data internationally?

5.1  Our databases are currently located in Australia. Personal Data will only be stored or processed in Australia.

5.2  If you would like to receive more information about our practices and policies with respect to our use of service providers and the jurisdictions in which they are located, please get in touch with us using the contact information provided in section 11 below.

6.  How does Glider protect my data?

6.1  The Glider Solution incorporates measures to reduce the risks of loss of information and unauthorised access or use of information. We adopt appropriate and generally accepted data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your Personal Data.

6.2  In particular, your payment information is secured in accordance with the PCI-DSS standard. However, these measures are unable to provide absolute information security. Therefore, although efforts are made to secure Personal Data, it is not guaranteed and you cannot reasonably expect that the Service and its related databases will be immune from any wrongdoings, malfunctions, unauthorised interceptions or access, or other kinds of abuse and misuse.

7.  Access and correction

7.1  We will take all reasonable steps to ensure any Personal Data we collect, use or disclose is up to date and accurate. If you believe Personal In Data formation that we hold about you is not up to date or accurate, you may ask us to correct it.

7.2  You may ask us to provide you with details of the Personal Information Data we hold about you, and copies of that information. We will respond to your request and attempt to provide you with the data within 30 days of receipt of your request.

7.3  If we provide you with copies of the information you have requested, to the extent permitted by law, we may charge you a reasonable fee to cover the administrative costs of providing you with that information.

7.4  Please direct all request for access and correction to the email address set out in section 11 below.

8.  Data Retention

Unless you instruct us otherwise and subject to applicable laws, we retain the information we collect for as long as needed to provide our services and to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements if applicable.

9.  Changes to this Privacy Policy

9.1  Glider may, at any time and from time to time, modify this Privacy Policy. Modifications to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Website, and shall be effective as of the date in which they are posted on the Website. Therefore, you should review the terms of this policy periodically to make sure that you are aware of how we collect, hold, store and use Personal Data.
9.2  The date this Privacy Policy was last updated will be set out at the start of the policy.

10.  Complaints

10.1  If you consider a breach of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) has occurred, you may direct your query to us using the details set out in the contacting us section below and we will attempt to resolve your complaint as soon as we can, and in any case within 30 days.  

10.2  If you do not consider our response satisfactory, you may contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner at its website www.oaic.gov.au or by telephone on 1300 363 992.

11.  Questions or concerns regarding privacy

If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy issues, please send us a detailed message to privacy@gliderpay.com and we will make every effort to resolve your concerns without delay.